[TRANS] Gikwang and Doojoon’s thanks

DJ: “B2uty gathering has ended!!! First off, I would like to apologize for the noises from singing and cheering, must have caused discomfort for local residents spending their cherished weekend.. Also to our b2uties who had endured the blazing sun, it was really fun, please return early!!!!!! Hehe bbyong^^”
뷰티모여끝났습니당!!! 일단 노래소리 함성소리로 소중한 주말을 불편하게 보내신 주민여러분께 진심으로 사과말씀드립니다.. 그리고 오전부터 뙤약볕에서 고생한 우리 뷰티들 오늘 너무 재밌었고 조심히 일찍 귀가하세여!!!!!히히뿅^^

GK: “Truly truly thank you B2uties!!
Take care going home^^ hehe Thanks to you all I had lots of fun!!~_~”””
정말 정말 고마운 뷰티!! 집에 조심히 가요^^ㅎㅎ 덕분에 너무 즐거웠어요!!~_~


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